The Summer Garden, Goal #10


New record.  Haven't been to a grocery store for 10 days.  And counting.  And yes, I'm still feeding the favorite family.

Let me back up.  Milk, bread, cheese, eggs and meats (grass-fed and mainly on two legs) are delivered by South Mountain Creamery.  I'm growing the rest (with some supplement from the Farmer's Market).   Is that cheating?...

So far, so good.  I have 2 large planters like this, and 3 smaller ones...

Tomatoes (6 heirloom), peppers (green and red hot), 2 squashes (probably will be sorry I didn't plant just one but they look so cute and innocent), fennel,  eggplant, swiss chard and lettuces.  Strawberries.  Blueberries.  Grapes.

Most likely will plant some cantaloupe, green beans and lots of other things...

I keep harvesting and it keeps growing.

Plenty of herbs: basil, parsley, rosemary, dill, sage, mint...

and after all of that healthful eating, a little cupcake noshing!




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