Hello World!
And this is what I saw. It has been raining and/or cloudy in Alexandria for three days or more. An eternity! But I thought, let's do something fun. It was only a easy pace 10 miler so I headed out in the mist with my camera gripped in my palm. Down Walnut Street, through Old Town, under the Woodrow Wilson Bridge and onto the George Washington Path to Mile Post 6. Hello Dorothy B! I hope you read this :)
This is what is so great about running. You are out of the door and seeing things when otherwise it would have been a boring day wasted inside. With the mist all over me and the camera, I stopped periodically to take these shots. It was great capturing all of these images, images that I see all of the time, because one, I'm able to share them with you, loyal reader :), and two, the images, when they are framed by the camera lens, become somehow, better...
Training report:
I'm keeping it all together but have been struggling a little this week with some uncooperative legs (hamstring tightness) and a cold. I'm feeling a lot better now though, finally! More energy in the legs and less cold symptoms... 76 miles this week and tapering down to 50 next...
JFK50: 21 days and counting...
Cheers and it was a beautiful day for a run!
Oh my goodness those are such great pictures!!! You are such an inspiration! I want to be speedy like you :)
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